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Wikipedia remains a subject of great interest in PR and marketing circles. I have written about it before and even

So much of today’s marketing is unoriginal and gray. Lots of websites look alike, many folks are blogging about the

Booking flights for summer travel is in high gear so here’s a question: Will you fly on a Boeing 737

Most attorneys get the majority of their new business from referral sources, but many don’t do a good job marketing

British royalty news is usually not my cup of tea, but last week a reporter asked my opinion about the

How you respond to a crisis often impacts your business more than the crisis itself. Evidence of this emerged last

Threats are part of life, and we learn about them at a young age. Profanity earns soap in the mouth.

When I first started in the public relations business, I heard the term “Thought Leader” and kind of smugly laughed

In the 1996 movie Ransom, Mel Gibson stars as an executive whose son is kidnapped by a bad guy played

We often hear about celebrities getting paid big bucks to endorse products on Instagram. Reality television personality, model and entrepreneur

Like most sports fan, I watched the NFC Championship game last Sunday with modest interest. I’m neither a fan of

Review sites are here to stay, so we can’t put our heads in the sand and ignore them anymore. Sites