Last year, I had great responses from a blog post and survey about TIME’s Person of the Year, so I decided to revisit the topic as we start to look back on the people and events that shaped the news in 2014.
My interest in this began a few years ago when my Aunt Rosie told me of a great Thanksgiving tradition: After the big meal, her family discusses who should be named TIME‘s Person of the Year. So for the second year in a row, I have decided to offer up the question as a topic for readers of my blog and have included a survey in this post. I have suggested a few nominees, and you can vote for one of them or write-in your own.
Quick background: TIME named Charles Lindbergh its first “Man of the Year” in 1927, and each year since has featured a person, group, idea, or object that “for better or for worse has done the most to influence the events of the year.” Previous winners have included U.S. presidents, world leaders, executives, scientists, and bad guys like Hitler, Stalin, and Ayatollah Khomeini. Concepts and groups win too. “The American Soldier” won in 2003; “The Protestors” (representing the Arab Spring, Tea Party, and Occupy movements) were named in 2011. Last year, TIME recognized Pope Francis.
My nominees for 2014, in no particular order, are:
Jeff Bezos. The founder and CEO of is no stranger to the honor as he was Person of the Year in 1999, emblematic of the first Internet boom. Today, Amazon has grown from an online book seller to a huge retailer that sells nearly everything. Amazon Prime, though launched in 2005, reached new heights in the past year as it enables customers who pay an annual membership fee to receive free two-day shipping on many products as well as access to a vast array of online movies, television, music, and cloud storage. With Bezos at the helm, the company has transformed how many of us buy goods and watch movies and television shows; it will likely change how we buy other things in the future. In addition, Bezos personally purchased the Washington Post in 2013 and has rebuilt that renowned newspaper’s newsroom and steered it back into a trend-setting news outlet.
Ebola Doctors and Nurses. The Ebola outbreak in West Africa and subsequent diagnosis of a few patients in the United States generated a worldwide panic that caused airline and travel stocks to drop, altered immigration policies and fomented multiple political debates on treatment and action plans. Sometimes lost in the noise are the doctors and nurses, both in Africa and other parts of the world, who are treating the victims of the highly contagious and deadly disease. Even with proper equipment and training, the doctors and nurses who care for Ebola patients run a high risk of infection if just so much as part of their skin is exposed to the bodily fluids of a contagious victim. Without these courageous healthcare workers, this outbreak could have reached catastrophic levels.
Michael Brown and Ferguson Protestors. Ferguson, Missouri resident Michael Brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson in August. The controversial shooting of Brown, an African American, by a member of the Ferguson PD, comprised almost entirely of white officers, set off a series of both violent and peaceful protests in the small town outside St. Louis. A grand jury declined to indict Wilson last week, setting off further protests and focusing national attention on the racial divide that still besets America.
Jack Ma. A year ago, Alibaba was the biggest company that most Americans had never heard of. Founded by Jack Ma in 1999, Alibaba, a huge e-commerce company in China, went public this year in the largest IPO in U.S. history. With a current market value $231 billion and flush with cash, it has the potential to continue to change retailing in China and possibly other parts of the world.
Harvey Levin. Lawyer and reporter Harvey Levin helped launch TMZ in 2005 and continues to serve as its managing editor. Traditionally known for its celebrity gossip and paparazzi-type coverage, TMZ significantly influenced mainstream news in 2014. For example, video footage of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice striking his then fiancé in an elevator first aired on TMZ, apparently before NFL executives ever saw it and leading to Rice’s domestic battery matter being re-opened by the football league. Increasingly, specialized media companies are breaking national stories and successfully encroaching on the territory of the country’s more prestigious outlets. Levin and TMZ are at the forefront of this change.
Jihad John. This masked terrorist serves as the “face” of the ISIS movement in Iraq, having beheaded at least five Westerners, including U.S. journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff. ISIS is known for killing dozens of people at a time and carrying out public executions, crucifixions, and other acts. It has taken over large swaths of northern and western Iraq. ISIS remains one of the greatest threats to world peace and represents a level of terroristic extremism that may threaten Western democracies for years to come.
Millennials. This is my only nominee to carry over from last year. This previously maligned group of individuals, born from the early 1980s to the early 2000s, are leading the charge of change in many aspects of American life. Compared to their older brethren, Millennials are less likely to have a home phone, cable TV, or a car, and they are beginning to start more companies, often with an eye on social change. They were born tech-savvy and have already started to change the social fabric of our country.
Follow this link to vote in my survey: I will keep you apprised of the results and look for TIME‘s winner on Dec. 10th.
0 Responses
I think a strong case can be made for Vladimir Putin. He started off the year hosting the world at the Winter Olympics in Sochi. He enraged many with his homophobic statements before the games. Then shortly after the games Russia seized the Crimean peninsula. From there we have the continuing problems in Ukraine and now the potential collapse of his oil-based economy. If Europe has a particularly cold winter, I would not be surprised to see Russia have a problem delivering gas supplies to the West.
Thanks for reading and commenting.. You make an excellent point. Putin is certainly worthy of consideration and someone I should have included. My own bias is that TIME in recent years has steered away from those who make a big negative impact. Putin certainly made big news this year and bookending his year with the Olympics and Crimea is compelling.
What I always have to remember is that the Person of the Year is an ‘influencer’ for good OR bad. Looking at the numbers of killings of young African American men in the US, the “police establishment” could be selected if it were an entity or perhaps it is a few police officers who have done so. I agree that Putin could also be chosen. Then too ISIS is having a profound impact on so many people and countries: the number of refugees grows; US service personnel and their families are being told to remove any reference to their professions from their social media pages and references so as not to be attacked by ISIS or ISIS-copycats.
It could be the Koch Brothers who bought the last US election and will continue to do so.
I always wish for a positive role model choice – someone doing especially good work. There are many from whom to choose. But will they sell issues?
Thanks for reading and commenting. When I work on my list of nominees, I try to find a person who is emblematic of the many “movements” that gain steam. So I chose “Jihad John” as emblematic of ISIS and Michael Brown and Ferguson as emblematic of the racial divide. The Koch Brothers are a truly interesting nominee and I wish I had thought of them. And you are right, they want to sell magazines and draw eyeballs so they will likely make a provocative choice this year. Thanks again.
I do understand the rationale but still. . .I just hate honoring in ANY way the horrific. . .would do anything possible to deter copycats and repeats. . .