Online Review Management

Online Review Sites David PR

The Internet enables anyone to say, write, and publish practically anything, and while the free exchange of ideas is a founding value of our nation, sometimes people go too far.  Upset customers, vengeful bloggers, and even ill-informed journalists post inaccurate, unfair, unverifiable, or unbalanced material online, and it can severely damage the reputation of an individual or company. From dealing with negative reviews and online complaints to defamatory blog posts and negative online news stories, David PR can guide you through the process to mitigate online damage.

We are experienced online review management professionals, representing companies across many industries. We monitor online reviews, create outreach campaigns to secure new reviews, and manage/respond to reviews on behalf of clients.

Experience with Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Better Business Bureau (BBB), Trustpilot, Glassdoor, and many others. Our president John P. David is an online reputation management authority and author of “How to Protect (Or Destroy) Your Reputation Online.” We represent companies in consumer products, commercial products, and real estate. We have helped many companies turn around their negative online reputation issues with a customized and systematic approach.

David PR Group is an online reputation management company that assists companies and individuals with all manners of online issues. Firm president, John P. David, is a nationally recognized expert in online reputation issues.  His articles on this topic can be found in The Huffington Post and PR Daily.

From dealing with negative reviews and online complaints to defamatory blog posts and negative online news stories, David PR can guide you through the process to mitigate online damage.

Call us at 305-255-0035 for more information or to discuss your online issue.