Archives for May 2014

Every Business Needs a Reputational Firewall

In 2006, 60 Minutes aired a story about a famous, yet secretive hedge fund billionaire who was embroiled in a stock-shorting lawsuit. While the story itself was interesting, one thing that struck me was that 60 Minutes didn’t have a photograph of the famous trader. The background was that he had purchased the rights to any photos taken of him and prevented his image from being published anywhere.Read More

Sterling Scandal Winners and Losers


The Donald Sterling imbroglio captivated both sports and non-sports fans this past week. The story moved so fast that we went, in a span of a few days, from not knowing a thing about the L.A. Clippers owner to knowing far too much and then seeing him banned as an NBA owner. Looking at it in review, I see some clear winners and losers.Read More